You are here: Troubleshooting and Tips > Identify reports using a specified connection

Identify reports using a specified connection


You need to determine if there are Crystal Reports using a specific ODBC connection to an underlying data source.


There are a couple of ways you can do this using Find it EZ.

Ensure that searching connection information is enabled in the Crystal Report settings:


  1. Good - Run a Boolean search for {ODBC} AND {DSN}; where DSN is your DSN. That should find all of the reports with that connection.


  1. Best - Generate the "SQL Code Extract" Report which will list all of the connections used in your reports. You can then filter and sort the spreadsheet to those using ODBC and a certain connection.
Note: We cannot "follow the link" so to speak. Where a report is using an ODBC connection called PRODUCTION and that is pointing to dblive01, we will not be able to show you dblive01.

See Also: